An Esrian Tale Wiki
What's this curious tingling? Why are my ears a-ringing? Don't you know? Only a fool tries to fool his own.

—Riegel, after meeting Lucièn Lafayette for the first time in 1501 B.E

Riegel, often colloquially referred to as the Trickster Goddess, was a minor celestial being who came to Esria in 1501 B.E, inadvertently invited to the mortal world by the creation of tarot magic. She was similar in nature to the four druidic deities, but could not be counted among them and did not appear to require formal worship. Her considerable celestial powers and continued existence originated from an unknown source.

Unlike older and more powerful celestials such as the Archangels, Riegel had an interest in the lives of mortals. She could walk freely among them, and often took great amusement in doing so, but in entertaining herself it was common that she created misfortune and inconvenience for others. She was incredibly curious after first arriving in Esria, arriving far later than any other celestial before her. After only a short time spent observing and causing subtle mischief throughout the world, she had come to realise that there was much about the mortal plane that could greatly interest her.


Aethereal Link and Powers[]

Riegel's connection to the world of Esria manifested through The Fool, a tarot card that did not come into existence at the same time as all others associated with the Imperial Creed. After its divination by the second Hierophant, however, it soon became evident that the card represented a deity other than the four druidic goddesses.

Not much was known of Riegel's powers, other than that she could make herself easily forgotten. Many individuals who had spoken to her in passing and had been influenced could not recall why they had gone on to carry out certain actions in the way they had. In much the same way, most who looked upon her directly would be unable to recognise her true nature despite clear oddities in both her appearance and behaviour. Exceptional individuals, such as the adventurer-turned-emperor Lucièn Lafayette, proved to be immune to this glamour.


Riegel was not a being of evil, as her actions were never truly meant with malicious intent, but she also could not accurately be described as a force for good. Her mood was highly eccentric and quick to change, whimsical, jolly and playful in one moment, and wickedly deceptive in the next. She could often be deeply seductive and charismatic, urging others on to do her bidding or to manipulate events so that they might play out in the most entertaining way. Ultimately, her motivations remained entirely unknown and dangerously unpredictable at times, save for the simple desire to amuse and entertain herself.


Riegel was one of the very few celestials who walked the mortal plane in physical form, with very little regard for the consequences of her actions. She did not entirely ignore the dangers of the imbalance and upset that could be caused by too overt a presence, however, and would often assume a number of guises in order to somewhat conceal her true nature.

Where many celestials would exercise caution or restraint, hiding themselves away and observing the world of Esria from afar, Riegel was fond of experiencing mortal life first hand. With an unusual affinity for the country of Vesryn, she would often sit in as a member of the audience during theatre plays and puppet shows across the country. She visited performances by travelling bands, and was especially fond of participating in dances. Sometimes she would even take the stage for herself when possible, which became her platform for performances, humorous retelling of tall tales, and even the occasional misleading sermon about her own divinity. On these occasions, her uncanny ability to go unrecognised was evident.

As a mortal, she took the form of a beautiful young woman, using strong powers of illusion to mask her celestial origins. She often appeared as a jester clad in colourful garments adorned with bells, closely mirroring the image found upon her associated tarot card. Other times, she was fond of dressing in the typical garb of contemporary nobles, with little regard for tradition or fashion. Where one day she would clad herself in an unseemly mixture of ballroom garments, the next she would clad herself in the bright red suit of a ringmaster, complete with top hat and cane. Her face was sometimes theatrically painted with no small amount of make-up better suited to a stage.
