An Esrian Tale Wiki

There were many materials native to the world of Esria. They were around since the creation of the world. Discovered and refined by the smiths of old, many civilisations grew to appreciate the use of metals in many aspects of their life. In particular, the Humans found metals to be key to the growth of their early cities, using crude metal nails to fashion their structures. Eventually, these techniques evolved into the making of arms, armour and other luxuries.

These metals can be found in a list below.

Metals of Esria[]

Celestial / Void Metals[]

  • Sunsteel was one of the only metals to come from outside the mortal worlds. Although Sunsteel would eventually find its way to the mortal plane in the hands of divine champions, it was never truly understood by the mortal races, and knowledge of it was limited to a select few. It exhibited holy and magical qualities, and could transcend its base metallic form to become pure light. Angelic halos were made from sunsteel, as were their weapons.
  • Meteorite metal was not a direct creation of the Archangels, but one of the many byproducts of the creation of the world. With the creation of the planes, the dense rocks that were not directly used in the structure often went their own way into the void, but the energies of the world would always draw them back, often to the mortal plane as meteors. Meteorite had the rare ability to absorb mana around it, much like a metal rod attracts lightning. Weapons made of this material could conduct magic, and could be used both as offensive weapons as well as wands.

Esrian Metals[]

  • Gold was a precious metal to many of the races on Esria. The Elves of the Alvyri Vandryl originally used gold for decoration of blades and structures. It eventually became the standard currency due to its rarity. This practice continued in the successive mortal kingdoms, unlike some of the other practices to Elves had.
  • Silver was not as rare as gold but was understood to have worth. It was mainly used for artifacts and jewellry, especially in the Human kingdoms and especially in the Church of the Heavens, who commonly fashioned religious icons out of the material. It was believed to have holy properties by many of the peasants of Vesryn.
  • Moonsilver was discovered by the Elves of the Alvyri Vandryl. It had the rare property of being tough, but extremely malleable when heated to a high temperature. When cooled, its silver surface shimmered with a watery glow as if it was a liquid. Moonsilver did not dull or fade, and did not blunt. These properties meant that it was used extensively for weaponry during the Arcane Era. It fell out of use after the Alvyri Vandryl was destroyed during the Fire Ritual of Londorwyn, but many of the Vandrylian weapons continued to hold their edge. Such weapons were rare and treasured, and many became weapons of Human noble houses during the Blessed Era.
  • Copper was a common metal found on Esria. Most Astrian nations utilised it for currency, but after the dawn of the Imperial Era it was used in copper wiring by the Greater Vesryn Hermetic Society, especially for conducting heat. Eventually it was used for the application of heating households.
  • Tin was mostly unused by most nations, until the Common Era. A prominent belt of tin could be found running west through El Deya, ending at the Arcadian Heartlands. It was understood by the El Deyans to have anti-corrosive properties and was used to treat their blades and armour. When powdered, it was used to coat the hulls of their warships. This also dissuaded barnacles and other sea life from latching onto the keels, reducing drag.
  • Iron was one of the most important metals of Esria. It was used by nearly every nation that was able to mine it. Most of it was refined into steel, but it was often used in the creation of household items including pots, nails, spoons and forks. Its main use was in the creation of weaponry.
  • Lead was used by the Humans of old to write with. Tablets of this material were displayed in Hawkrun, proving the knowledge of lead was an old tradition, passed down through generations. It was used by the Aldinori in the creation and protection of pottery, but was mostly a cheap material until the Blessed Era, where cannonballs were manufactured using this material. Much later, it was used as ammunition for muskets.
  • Cold Iron was material mined from deep beneath Esria. It was found in the Common Era by an expedition of friars from the Church of the Heavens. Its properties were not fully understood, but it was mostly used in the creation of sanctioned weaponry, and often cooled in rendered pig fat mixed with holy water. The result was a weapon capable of repelling magic. Its voidlike nature made it extremely terrifying to minor Celestials such as Devils and Demons.
  • Black Steel was a composite metal alloy made by the Halesche with a distinctive black hue. It was used to create all of their weapons and armour. It was highly valued for its workability. Although export of the metal was not restricted, it was very rare to find a blacksmith outside of Halengard that had the skills to work it in the proper manner. When made correctly, it was hard to chip, easy to mark and flexible enough to be used for complex constructs of armour. In this way it was often used with essence of meteorite leaf to create complex magical seals capable of binding a human soul into the empty armour.
  • Deep Iron ---